大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。/ The great river flows eastward, waves washing away countless heroes of bygone days.
故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。/ To the west of the old fort, lies the famous site of the battle of Red Cliff, where Zhou Yu of the Three Kingdoms made his name.
乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。/ Amidst the jagged rocks and crashing waves, a thousand snowdrifts are churned up.
江山如画,一时多少豪杰。/ The scenery is like a painting, once home to many heroes.
遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。/ I imagine the great strategist Zhou Yu in his prime, and his wife Xiao Qiao, a beauty with flowing hair.
羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。/ He would chat and laugh, his feather fan and silk cap fluttering in the wind, as ships and oars disappeared into smoke and ash.
故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。/ I am nostalgic for my homeland, but others may laugh at me for being sentimental, despite my early graying hair.
人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。/ Life is like a dream, and I raise my cup to the moon over the river.
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