首页 > 栏目 > 端午节的名句有哪些英语



1. 粽子香,龙舟赛,端午佳节倍思亲。

The fragrance of the rice dumplings, the dragon boat race, the Dragon Boat Festival makes us miss our loved ones even more.

2. 端午节,五月五,龙舟比赛粽子香。

The Dragon Boat Festival falls on May 5th, with the dragon boat race and the fragrance of rice dumplings.

3. 雄黄酒,艾草香,端午佳节倍思亲。

With the wine of realgar and the fragrance of wormwood, the Dragon Boat Festival makes us miss our loved ones even more.

4. 龙舟竞渡五湖泛,粽香飘溢万家香。

Dragon boats race on the lake, the fragrance of rice dumplings fills every household.

5. 端午未至先闻香,艾草清香远飘扬。

Before the Dragon Boat Festival arrives, the fragrance of wormwood can already be smelled from afar.

6. 粽子香飘满街巷,龙舟竞渡热闹非凡。

The fragrance of rice dumplings fills the streets and alleys, the dragon boat race is lively and extraordinary.

7. 雄黄酒,艾草香,端午佳节倍思亲。

With the wine of realgar and the fragrance of wormwood, the Dragon Boat Festival makes us miss our loved ones even more.



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