Title: The Mission of a Dog
Scene 1
A small town. We see a dog named Little Black living with an old man. They have a deep bond.
Little Black: (barks) Master, what's wrong? You don't look good.
Old man: I'm sick, Little Black. I need to go to the hospital.
Little Black: (whimpers) Don't worry, Master. I'll take care of you.
Scene 2
Little Black sets out on a journey to find a herb that can cure the old man's illness.
Little Black: (thinks) I have to find that herb. I won't let Master down.
Scene 3
Little Black faces many challenges and obstacles on the way, but he never gives up.
Little Black: (panting) I can't stop now. Master needs me.
Scene 4
Little Black finally finds the herb he's been looking for.
Little Black: (barks happily) I did it! Master will be okay now.
Scene 5
Little Black returns home and gives the herb to the old man.
Old man: (smiling) Little Black, you're a genius dog! You're my savior, my guardian angel.
Little Black: (wags tail) Woof! Woof! (translation: I'm just happy that you're okay, Master.)
End of the story.
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