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'The Old Man and the Sea' is a classic novel by American writer Ernest Hemingway. It depicts an old fisherman named Santiago who caught a huge marlin after many hardships, but was finally devoured by sharks, leaving only a fishbone. This novel has deeply impressed me with the unpredictability and uncertainty of life.

In the novel, Santiago is an extremely brave person who is not afraid of difficulties and is determined to catch the big fish. He is a lonely old man with no family or friends, only himself and the sea. In the process of fishing, he demonstrated his perseverance and wisdom, approaching his goal step by step. However, when he finally caught the fish, he was attacked by sharks, leading to his failure. This ending made me feel the unpredictability of fate and the uncertainty of life. We cannot control everything, we can only do our best.

In addition to the unpredictability of fate, the novel has also profoundly realized the beauty of human nature. Santiago, in the face of failure, was not defeated, but chose to face difficulties bravely. He proved the beauty of human nature with his actions, that even in the darkest moments, we can persist in our beliefs and face difficulties bravely.

In summary, this novel has made me feel the unpredictability and uncertainty of life, and also deeply understand the beauty of human nature. It is a classic that is worth reading.


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