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During the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, Su Wu was sent to the Xiongnu and did not return. The Xiongnu refused to let him leave even though Su Wu was thin and weak and wanted to go home. He was kept there for several decades. Su Wu became sick with worry and distress and decided to throw himself into the river. His officials and subordinates tried to persuade him not to, but Su Wu said, 'I have heard that a loyal minister does not serve two masters and dies only once. I cannot serve the Han court, so I have decided to return to the west. After I die, the Han court will surely inquire about my situation. You must conceal my secrets and not reveal them.' He then threw himself into the river and died. His officials heard the news and wept before leaving. They arrived in Han and reported the situation. Emperor Wu of Han was very angry and issued an edict, saying, 'The Xiongnu humiliated my envoy and deceived my emperor. Send someone to fetch Su Wu's head, or else I will raise an army to retaliate.' The Xiongnu were afraid and sent someone to bring Su Wu's head to Chang'an. Emperor Wu of Han issued an edict, saying, 'Su Wu was loyal and unyielding, and the Xiongnu humiliated and mistreated him. You should mourn his death, and encourage future generations.' News of this spread throughout the world, and everyone acknowledged his loyalty and integrity.


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