首页 > 栏目 > 构建和谐社会英语作文带翻译








Building a Harmonious Society

In modern society, harmony has become the goal that people pursue. Harmony refers not only to the harmony of the external environment, but also to the harmony between people. How to build a harmonious society?

First of all, we should start from ourselves and learn to respect and care for others. In daily life, we should try to avoid conflicts and disputes, and have more understanding and tolerance, as well as more patience and tolerance. Only by making ourselves more kind can we pass on harmony to the people around us.

Secondly, the government and social organizations should actively promote the construction of a harmonious society. The government can formulate relevant policies, strengthen social governance, and maintain social stability. Social organizations can organize various forms of public welfare activities to promote the development of social justice and equality.

Finally, the media should also play a good role in transmitting harmonious information. The media has a wide range of communication channels and influence, and should advocate and transmit positive energy, so that people can feel the power of harmony.

Building a harmonious society is a long-term process that requires the efforts of every one of us. Only through the joint efforts of the people can we achieve the harmonious development of society.


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