首页 > 栏目 > agree的用法



1. agree with

agree with表示“同意某人的观点或意见”,常见的句型有:

- I agree with you.(我同意你的观点。)

- She doesn't agree with the decision.(她不同意这个决定。)

- Do you agree with what he said?(你同意他说的话吗?)

2. agree on

agree on表示“就某事达成一致意见”,常见的句型有:

- They finally agreed on a date for the meeting.(他们最终就会议日期达成了一致意见。)

- We need to agree on the terms of the contract.(我们需要就合同条款达成一致意见。)

- The two sides have not yet agreed on the price.(双方尚未就价格达成一致意见。)

3. agree to

agree to表示“同意某项提议、请求或建议”,常见的句型有:

- She agreed to help me with the project.(她同意帮我完成这个项目。)

- The company agreed to our proposal.(公司同意我们的提议。)

- He agreed to the terms of the agreement.(他同意协议条款。)

4. agree that

agree that表示“同意某种看法或结论”,常见的句型有:

- We all agree that the plan needs to be revised.(我们都同意这个计划需要修改。)

- They agreed that the project was a success.(他们一致认为这个项目很成功。)

- She agreed that the situation was difficult.(她承认这种情况很困难。)

5. agree with oneself

agree with oneself表示“对自己的想法或决定感到满意”,常见的句型有:

- I agree with myself that I made the right decision.(我相信我做出了正确的决定。)

- She agreed with herself that it was time to move on.(她决定自己是时候继续前进了。)



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