How to Say 'Excuse Me' in English
'Excuse me' is a common phrase used to politely get someone's attention or to apologize for a mistake. Here are some situations where you might use 'excuse me' in English:
1. Getting someone's attention: If you need to ask someone a question or get their attention, you can say 'excuse me' to politely get their attention. For example, 'Excuse me, do you have the time?'
2. Moving past someone: If you need to walk past someone in a crowded space, you can say 'excuse me' to let them know you are coming through. For example, 'Excuse me, can I get past you?'
3. Apologizing: If you accidentally bump into someone or make a mistake, you can say 'excuse me' to apologize. For example, 'Excuse me, I didn't mean to step on your foot.'
4. Interrupting: If you need to interrupt someone who is speaking, you can say 'excuse me' to politely get their attention. For example, 'Excuse me, can I add something to what you were saying?'
In all of these situations, 'excuse me' is a polite way to get someone's attention or to apologize for a mistake. Using this phrase can help you communicate more effectively in English and show respect for others.
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