漠漠水田飞白鹭,_________。mò mò shuǐ tián fēi bái lù, ________。
Possible next sentence with pinyin:
- 青草如茵细叶稻,qīng cǎo rú yīn xì yè dào, (The green grass is like a mat and the rice has slender leaves,)
- 田间耕牛挽犁行,tián jiān gēng niú wǎn lí xíng, (Oxen plow the fields,)
- 风吹稻浪起波涛,fēng chuī dào làng qǐ bō tāo, (The wind blows and the rice waves ripple,)
- 芦苇丛中隐渔舟,lú wěi cóng zhōng yǐn yú zhōu, (Fishing boats are hidden among the reeds,)
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