首页 > 栏目 > 大笑江湖经典台词英文带翻译



1. “武林轻功第一,风流倜傥第二。” - “I'm the best in martial arts and the most charming in the world.”

2. “负心人,你这个无情无义的负心人!” - “You heartless person, you're so cruel and unfeeling!”

3. “我行我素,我自成一派。” - “I follow my own path and create my own style.”

4. “别人有的,我也要有!” - “If others have it, I want it too!”

5. “我不是英雄,我只是一个有故事的人。” - “I'm not a hero, I'm just someone with a story.”

6. “你这个疯子,你不要命啊!” - “You crazy person, are you trying to kill yourself?”

7. “天下武功,唯快不破!” - “The fastest martial arts is the strongest.”

8. “我虽然不入流,但我也有我的理想!” - “Although I'm not part of the mainstream, I still have my own ideals.”



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