1. 出门前请确认路况,注意安全。
Before heading out, please check the road conditions and pay attention to safety.
2. 遵守交通规则,保持车距,减速慢行。
Obey traffic rules, maintain a safe distance, and slow down.
3. 驾车时开启雾灯,提高能见度。
Turn on the fog lights while driving to improve visibility.
4. 行人应穿着明亮的衣服,避免走在马路中央。
Pedestrians should wear bright clothing and avoid walking in the middle of the road.
5. 室内开窗通风,保持空气流通。
Open windows for ventilation indoors to maintain air circulation.
6. 保持身体健康,多喝水,注意保暖。
Maintain good health, drink plenty of water, and keep warm.
7. 避免长时间在户外活动,及时回家休息。
Avoid prolonged outdoor activities and return home to rest in a timely manner.
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